Washington Chapter

of The Wildlife Society

Calls and Guidelines

THEME: Ecosystem Resilience - Science in Action

Call for Presentations - Deadline is February 28, 2025!

We are accepting contributed paper and poster abstracts for a wide range of wildlife topics. Click HERE for guidelines and abstract submission details. Email ALL abstract submissions to: abstractsJAM2025@watws.org We invite abstracts for presentations and posters on all wildlife research and management, habitat management, conservation programs and practices, and application of research findings to conservation and management practices, including both completed work and work in progress.  This year’s accepted abstracts will be published in the journal Northwestern Naturalist following the meeting, the open access flagship publication for the Society for Northwest Vertebrate Biology!

We strongly encourage students to present posters or oral presentations!  All student presentations (full oral and poster) will be considered for “best presentation” and “best poster” awards.  


Contributed Paper Oral Presentations (Full Oral):  Maximum 20 minute presentation. Plan approximately 15-18 minutes for the presentation and 2-3 minutes to answer audience questions. PowerPoint presentations are encouraged but are not required. 

Ignite Oral Presentations (Short Oral): Keep it short and sweet! Fast-paced 5 minute presentations. PowerPoint presentations are encouraged but are not required.

Poster Presentations:   Topic is presented on a 3x4 foot or smaller poster. A formal poster session is provided for viewers and authors to ask and answer questions. 

Abstracts for all oral presentations and posters must be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word documents by February 28, 2025. 

For more information on any of these submissions, please contact the 2025 JAM Steering Committee Chairs Claudine Reynolds (claudine.reynolds@watws.org), Aimee McIntyre (Aimee.Mcintyre@dfw.wa.gov) or Laura Sprague for NW PARC (laura_sprague@fws.gov).

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 -General: Watws@watws.org

 -Website: Webteam@watws.org

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